All Grace Church campuses will have normal service times this weekend, October 5–6. Please check your campus social media or email communication for additional details.

Nicaragua Partnering with Local Churches

Nicaragua Partnering with Local Churches

Culturally Engaged

Grace Church has been partnering with local churches and ministry leaders in Nicaragua since 2003. Teams have supported and equipped our partners through medical camps, education-related training and resources, children’s ministry, and theological training for pastors and leaders.

For the past three years, we have been working with local churches in Chinandega, located in the northwestern part of Nicaragua. Using both virtual and on-site training, Grace Church staff and members have been able to come alongside pastors and leaders, training them in topics like theology, marriage, parenting, church administration, and more.

This October, a teaching team wrapped up our final sessions in Chinandega. Our teachers had an opportunity to challenge the pastors and leaders to use what they’ve learned to help grow the local church and its influence throughout the Chinandega region. The classes ended with a graduation celebration and an intimate time of prayer for the Nicaraguan and Grace Church leaders.

Another special aspect of this trip was that some team members were invited to be part of the wedding of a young couple, Adrian and Marjine Montes, who are part of our hosting church in Chinandega. Adrian shared that the training has had a tremendous impact on his life and the way God is shaping him as a man, now a husband, and as a leader in his church. His sentiment was echoed by so many of those who participated in the training in Chinandega, where we saw a rate of over 75% returning trainees for each new set of classes. We pray that God will continue to use those pastors and leaders in a mighty way to bring the Good News of Christ to the communities of Chinandega, Nicaragua.

If you would like to learn more about our partnerships in Nicaragua, click below.