All Grace Church campuses will have normal service times this weekend, October 5–6. Please check your campus social media or email communication for additional details.

Costa Rica Mission Trip

Costa Rica Mission Trip

Culturally Engaged

Over Thanksgiving break, a team of 16 students and 9 leaders from across several campuses served on a mission trip to Costa Rica! In partnership with Filter of Hope, they delivered water filters to members of the local community so they can have clean water. As they delivered the filters and explained how to use them, students also had the opportunity to share the gospel and pray with these families and individuals.

The team partnered with a local church, and we are thankful for this body of believers who will continue to disciple and support their communities. Students also had the opportunity to spend time with a youth group from another local church, worship together, and play some games.

Another unique aspect of the trip was that our students got to develop relationships with the translators who helped them communicate with families. The translators were believers from other parts of the world, and it was a special experience to be united by the gospel, on mission with believers from a completely different culture.

We are thankful for all the ways God is working in the lives of our students and through their willingness to serve others. To learn more about Grace Church Students, click below!