All Grace Church campuses will have normal service times this weekend, October 5–6. Please check your campus social media or email communication for additional details.

Nicaragua—Unexpected Opportunities for Discipleship

Nicaragua—Unexpected Opportunities for Discipleship

Culturally Engaged

Last month, a team from Grace spent a week ministering alongside our partners in Nicaragua. While the team was originally slated to host a medical clinic, they found out shortly before departure that the medical clinic was not approved for this trip. Although this news was disheartening, the team was able to pivot quickly and God worked in amazing ways to allow them to show his love, encourage fellow believers, and share the gospel in Nicaragua.

Some of our medical professionals were able to participate in health talks on a local Christian radio station. They shared information about pediatric care, dentistry, women’s health, and addiction recovery. The response was particularly encouraging around the topic of addiction and recovery, which is rarely discussed publicly in Nicaraguan culture.

The team also got to minister to local families in multiple ways—they hosted a kids camp at the church while ministering to adults in men’s and women’s groups. About 50 children participated in the camp, and they spent time enjoying skits, hearing Bible stories, memorizing Scripture, and doing crafts. The men’s and ladies’ groups spent fruitful time in discussion and hearing testimonies. It was an opportunity to bring to light many sins that are kept in the darkness culturally and talk about the gospel’s power to rescue us from the enslavement of sin.

In the local elementary school, team members got to spend time talking to students about health and interact with them in a variety of ways. A few team members partnered with translators, local church members, and the pastor to complete work projects at the church and the school. And finally, many local pastors and church leaders participated in training regarding marriage and parenting.

Although the original plan did not work out, God faithfully provided many ways for our team to reflect and extend his love to the people of Nicaragua. And it was an important discipleship moment for our team members as well—understanding that God is in control and we can trust him with our plans.

Will you join us in celebrating what God has done and praying for continued discipleship in Nicaragua? To learn more about international missions at Grace and see upcoming short-term opportunities, click below.

Nicaragua Team Sitting Behind Microphones at Radio Station
Workers Looking through Green and Yellow Plastic Bags of Supplieson Nicaragua Trip
Children Sitting at Tables Outside Listening to a Man Read a Story
Man Kneeling to Work with Cinder Block on Nicaragua Trip
Adults Sitting at Tables and Listening to Speaker