All Grace Church campuses will have normal service times this weekend, October 5–6. Please check your campus social media or email communication for additional details.

re:generation Stephen's Story

Life Change

re:generation Stephen's Story

Ministry Focused

When Stephen Carvalho moved to the United States from India in 2019, he drifted away from church, even though he’d grown up in a Christian family. In 2023, he decided it was time to find a local church, and he landed at Grace Church’s Spartanburg campus.

Shortly after he began attending, he joined re:generation, not really knowing what it was. But after a short time, he knew God had brought him to re:gen for a purpose. He learned to trust the process—even when it was challenging and uncomfortable—and leaned into his group for accountability and community. Ultimately, re:gen has become a pivotal part of his faith journey.

“Before re:gen, I was trying to be a Christian, but not really. I believed in Jesus and everything he stood for, but I wasn’t able to live my faith out. I was living in sin and living for myself. I would say I was a Christian on paper, but I wasn’t living out my faith according to the Bible. The Holy Spirit was already starting to work in me, and it’s a lifelong work, but re:gen has helped bring my faith to completion.”

Stephen is also learning to trust God in uncertain circumstances. Although he wants to remain in South Carolina, his student visa expires next year, and he has no guarantee of receiving a work visa. Each day, he makes the choice to trust in God’s plan even though it may not align with his plan. He is thankful to be able to walk through these challenges with the support of his re:gen group and church family.