All Grace Church campuses will have normal service times this weekend, October 5–6. Please check your campus social media or email communication for additional details.

Harrison Bridge Senior Honor Ministry Grows

Harrison Bridge Senior Honor Ministry Grows

Culturally Engaged

Through our Senior Honor ministry, Grace Church volunteers provide worship services, build one-on-one relationships, and facilitate other opportunities at elder care communities across the Upstate. Our Harrison Bridge campus’ partnership with Fairview Park has been flourishing in recent months, and we’re excited to see Grace members connect with residents in unique ways.

Recently, volunteers and their families hosted a “Teddy Bear Story Hour” for residents, and it was a big hit with all who participated! Each resident received a teddy bear from a child, and then the residents and children read books and colored together. There is always a special connection between children and grandparents, and even though these individuals aren’t biologically related, that special connection was evident in the smiles on their faces.

Along with more special activities, Harrison Bridge volunteers will soon move from hosting services once a month to twice monthly. What a blessing to be able to include those of our church body who cannot physically attend church. We want our Senior Honor members to know they are valuable, loved, and cared for. Will you join us in praying for this ministry? If you’re interested in learning more about Senior Honor or volunteering at your campus, click below.

Senior Honor Coloring with Kids
Senior Honor Coloring with Kids
Senior Honor Reading with Kids