All Grace Church campuses will have normal service times this weekend, October 5–6. Please check your campus social media or email communication for additional details.

Foster & Adopt Year-End Update

Foster & Adopt Year-End Update

Ministry Focused
Foster & Adopt Year-End Update

Our Foster & Adopt ministry has been active all year serving foster and adoptive families, biological families, DSS workers, and guardians ad litem in many different ways. As we transition into a new year of ministry, we wanted to highlight two areas in particular.

The Foster & Adopt Resource Center has grown into an extraordinary source of both physical and spiritual support for those involved in fostering and adoption. Through the Resource Center, we have served over 500 children in the past year, providing $62,500 worth of donated items. In addition, 50 volunteers have invested over 5,000 hours throughout the year and prayed for over 200 families.

Another exciting area of this ministry is our seasonal giving project. Your generosity has enabled us to collect over 290 gift cards for foster families this Christmas season. That means we have contributed more than $29,000 worth of gift cards that will go towards blessing foster children with Christmas gifts.

We are encouraged to see how our Foster & Adopt ministry has flourished this year, and there are many more stories to tell of God’s work in this area of our church. We hope you will join us in prayer for all involved. To learn more about Foster & Adopt or to volunteer, click below.