JUMPSTART Opens Opportunity Center
One of our ministry partners is JUMPSTART—a gospel-centered organization that disciples current and former prisoners and assists with re-entry to society. Over two million people are currently incarcerated in the United States, and of those two million, 95% will be released back into our communities. We believe that gospel-centered discipleship is the solution to help those incarcerated find purpose and a productive life after prison.
One of JUMPSTART's ongoing initiatives has been the development of Restoration Village, located in Spartanburg county, which provides a supportive community for those reentering society from prison in a setting that prepares them to be productive citizens, serve one another, and grow in spiritual maturity.

In 2023, our church members gave over $400,000 to help our partners at JUMPSTART qualify for a Truist Grant to be used to build an Opportunity Center at Restoration Village. We are celebrating with JUMPSTART that over the past year, they were able to obtain that funding and build the Opportunity Center at Restoration Village, which opened last week! This space will be used for worship services, culinary and job training, community building events, and other recreational activities for residents of Restoration Village. We are praying this building will be a blessing to the residents and the staff of JUMPSTART in the years to come.
To hear Bill White provide context and cast vision around our partnership with JUMPSTART, watch the video below.
To learn more about JUMPSTART and find out how you can get involved, click below.