Hurricane Relief Continues
Over the past few months, all our campuses have worked in various ways to support our communities and those in Western North Carolina who were impacted by Hurricane Helene. From wielding chainsaws and driving backhoes to donating gift cards to help restock refrigerators, God is working through his people to show his love in tangible ways.
Here are just a few highlights of how people are serving through hurricane relief.
Travelers Rest campus
- Worked with Foothills Family Resources to bring provisions to those in areas of limited access.
- Helped a local pastor in Bat Cave, North Carolina get access to those in his congregation who needed help.
- Helped a local homeowner in Bat Cave dig her mobile home out from a mudslide and recover her belongings.
- Helped members who had extensive damage to their homes.
- Provided shelving and installation for a disaster distribution center in Canton, NC
“The connections to others in the body of believers has been so amazing—how God puts people together to help other people and to further his Kingdom even in disastrous circumstances. Please pray that the people of Grace and other churches will continue to have hearts to serve and meet the needs by being the hands and feet that come alongside to bless those most impacted by the storm.” –Shannon Fastzkie, TR member

Members from our Spartanburg campus have also taken multiple trips to North Carolina to help with recovery and aid. One of their members shared this with us:
“First, to see the devastation from the storm was a dose of reality, of how we take things for granted and how God’s mercy protects us. Second, we realized that we had an opportunity to show the love of Jesus by giving time and resources even if we did not have the opportunity to verbalize it. We definitely came away blessed. There was also a feeling of unity of purpose and humility to have the opportunity to help people in need.” –Andrew Thiry

We are so thankful for all who have donated, prayed, and served to help with hurricane relief. If you are interested in getting involved in local outreach at your campus, please reach out to your campus staff.