Money Matters Spotlight
One discipleship opportunity we offer on an ongoing basis is Money Matters—a class designed to help participants renew their mindset concerning personal finance, become faithful stewards of the resources God has given them, and bring him glory through their money as well as their lives. We all wrestle with questions around our money: Why is it so important to be generous? How much money do I need to save? Does my lifestyle truly honor the Lord? How do I get started with budgeting and planning? Money Matters offers a biblical framework for all these questions and more.
One of our Powdersville members, Abby Cruice, shared this with us about her experience taking the class:
“I had never dealt with my money, and I’m single, so there’s not much accountability. Taking Money Matters was the first time I was in a group of people where we talked about our finances. It was so freeing. I had to admit I had a problem with my money, and they gave me guidance to take action steps. We talked a lot about our heart behind how we use money; we think it’s ours, but it’s really God’s. Giving was my lowest priority, but I learned that giving should be the first thing you do, and then trust God with taking care of everything else. And it’s not about a set amount; it’s the heart behind your giving.”

Scripture is clear that how we use our money is a direct reflection of our hearts, and we pray that God would continue to move in our church body and grow us in being courageously generous. If you are interested in taking Money Matters, reach out to your campus staff to find out when it will next be offered at your campus.