Resources from 2022


24Seven | Daniel

Week 5

As we end our time in the book of Daniel, we look back over the life of Daniel and see how he had Courageous Faith, …

Brandon Vazquez

Brandon Vazquez

Greer Students Director


Week 2

Following our hearts will leave us empty, Following Jesus is what leads to a rich and fulfilling life.

Hugo Muraco

Hugo Muraco

Taylors Discipleship & Groups & Students


Week 3

The myth that our lives get easier once we’re saved doesn’t take into account that pursuing God means that we’re going to be going against …

Brandon Vazquez

Brandon Vazquez

Greer Students Director

David | 24Seven

Pointless Jealousy

This week, Brandon continues our David series talking about the jealousy Saul has towards David. As students consider times that they have been jealous of …

Brandon Vazquez

Brandon Vazquez

Greer Students Director

James | 24Seven

Playing Favorites

God has uniquely created each and every one of us. We can often take those differences for granted and reject those who are different from …

Holden Meyers

Holden Meyers

Harrison Bridge Students Director

Fear Series Graphic

Week 1

How does the fear of failure hinder you from living the life God desires and what lies does it fuel in you?

Holden Meyers

Holden Meyers

Harrison Bridge Students Director

Fear Series Graphic

Week 3

What would your life look like if you weren’t ruled by fear? It would be marked by power, love, and self-discipline.

Brandon Garcia Staff Photo

Brandon Garcia

Español Campus Pastor

Judges | Forge

The Vicious Cycle

We all struggle with proud unbelief, thinking we know better than God. That pride fuels our sin, but humble faith and repentance break the cycles …

Davis Craig

Davis Craig

Pelham Discipleship & Groups; Central Internship & Residency; Central Students' Director

Acts of the Apostles


When faced with persecution from Jewish leaders, Stephen seizes the opportunity to share the gospel. While his fearless love results in death, his sacrifice ignites …

Matt Williams

Matt Williams

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Pentecost Series 1920x1080


At the time of the early Church, Pentecost was a Jewish holiday—a harvest festival celebrating God’s faithfulness. While Jews gathered to celebrate Pentecost after Jesus' …

Bill White

Bill White

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

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