
Courageously Generous
Courageous generosity requires a heart that is oriented around managing, not owning, the resources God has given us. It is a discipleship issue; it is …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

The Rich Fool
Our goal is to be rich before God—worshiping him and deepening our relationship with him. The way we spend our money and steward our possessions …

Travelers Rest Discipleship & Groups; Central Generosity

The God of Provision
As Paul encourages the Corinthians to fulfill their commitment to give to the persecuted believers in Jerusalem, he unpacks the gospel core of generosity. Just …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Salt and Light
In this passage, Jesus calls his followers to be salt and light—preserving the world by pointing others to the light of the gospel through our …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

A Legacy of Generosity
"For somebody to have something that they could have gone on a nice vacation or gotten something for themselves—but they thought of us—that will forever …

Spiritual Poverty in the Midst of Financial Wealth
"During a financial wealth of circumstances, you can still be impoverished. The emptiness and longing we were experiencing and then filling with things is really …

Finding True Treasure
"How can the Holy Spirit comfort you if you are never uncomfortable? I was always comfortable. I never experienced the power of God until I …

Generosity and Provision
"I think that was the first time that I really believed God saw our situation. He knew who we were and what was going on …

How to Start Being Generous
"I realized I was a consumer. . . We were spending thousands of dollars on IPTAY and season tickets and going to Clemson, and it’s …

God's Tapestry Creates a Family
"Do you choose comfort and safety and security, or do you choose to enter into the brokenness and the mess? These kids are real and …

Worship through Giving
"For me personally, the one thing I can say about generosity is that I have gained far more enjoyment from the things I have given …

Receiving Generosity with Grace
"God just kept sustaining me . . . One of the primary things that's happened in my heart is that I went from feeling very …

Surrender Leads to Growth
"I had never given consistently in my entire life, but I could feel God asking me to grow, to move, to be obedient. I had …

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

An Abundance Mindset in a Scarcity Culture
For Giving Tuesday, Scott and Whitney sat down in the studio to expand on the idea of generosity and how God designed us to be …

Travelers Rest Discipleship & Groups; Central Generosity