Teach Us to Pray
Night of Prayer
Teach Us to Pray
In Luke’s account of the Lord’s Prayer, one of the disciples asked Jesus, “Teach us to pray.” In response, Jesus provided a model of how to draw close to God in worship and make requests in humble dependence. Like the disciples, we’re asking God to teach us to pray. Through this Night of Prayer specific series, we’ll ask Jesus to instill in our hearts that same humility as we come to him with our praises and burdens.
Additional Prayer Resources: grace.sc/pray
Recursos Adicionales de Oración en Español: grace.sc/es/ensenanosaorar

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Pelham Discipleship & Groups; Central Care & Recovery

Iglesia Gracia Discipleship & Groups & Students

Pelham Associate Campus Minister

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director