In Christ: Coming Glory

Romans 8:17-30

In Christ: Coming Glory

As members of the body of Christ, we can expect to share in the sufferings of Jesus. We also know that one day, we will share in his glory. This creates tension between our present sufferings and future splendor. Only by the Holy Spirit in us can we endure the tension, cling to hope, and be moved towards glory.

Study Questions

As members of the body of Christ, we can expect to share in the sufferings of Jesus. We also know that one day, we will share in his glory. This creates tension between our present sufferings and future splendor. Only by the Holy Spirit in us can we endure the tension, cling to hope, and be moved towards glory.


  1. Our earthly realities are not eternal realities. Whatever our life looks like on earth, whether it’s filled with extreme joy or deep suffering, will not compare to the overwhelming joy of Christ’s glory that’s promised to us. Do you live with this truth in mind? Why or why not?

  2. Many of us combat hopelessness with misdirected hope (in the government, education, wealth, romance, status, etc.), none of which actually bring lasting hope. Where do you tend to misplace hope?

  3. Read Romans 8:28-29. How are these verses encouraging to you?

  4. Some believers have lived relatively free of great suffering and may place hope in earthly joys. Others have suffered immensely in this life and may be tempted to despair. With which do you most identify? What truth of Scripture do you need to believe to ensure you are placing hope in the glory to come?

Key Points

  • While our earthly suffering is great, God’s glory is far greater. As heirs of this glory, we can live our lives with a sure and steady hope that gives us the endurance to persevere through trials.

  • Whatever our current experience, earthly joys or suffering, it is only a season not an eternal reality.

  • Many fight hopelessness with misdirected hope in things of this world instead of the confident hope of the cross, which is the defining hope of the Christian life.

  • The Holy Spirit does not condemn us but strengthens us in the midst of our weakness, specifically by interceding for us when our prayers fall short.

  • Paul compares yearning for God’s glory to the pains of childbirth—temporary pain for an incomparably joyous outcome.

  • We often interpret Romans 8:28 as God orchestrating the events in our lives in our favor. But the good Paul refers to is that which will ultimately bring God glory as he conforms us to his image and may not actually be attained in this life. Instead, the comfort of this passage is the promise nothing will touch our lives that is not under God’s control.

  • Because we have been chosen by God before time, we can have full assurance in his plan to glorify us. We don’t have to wonder if we are good enough.
