Strength in Weakness

Revelation 3:1-13

Strength in Weakness

Matt Williams

Matt Williams

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

In this passage, Jesus describes himself as a thief and as one who holds the key of authority. Whether he is a threat or a comfort to us depends on if we receive him and respond in obedience.

Study Questions


  1. It’s possible to appear spiritually vibrant to others and in reality, be spiritually dead inside. Have you ever experienced this? What is the solution?

  2. We must be open to the idea that we will drift from the truth. How would you respond if someone confronted you about a sin issue?

  3. Consider the reality of Jesus’ return—would he be a threat or a comfort to you? What steps do you need to take to align your life with him now?

Key Points

  • The church at Sardis appears alive, but they are hollow inside. Jesus calls them to obedience—to submit to his kingship in every area of their lives.

  • Our spiritual lives are dynamic, and we are prone to wander. This is why it’s important to be in active and honest community under the spiritual authority of the local church.

  • It can be difficult to explain pain in this world, but we serve a hidden kingdom which will one day be revealed.

  • Those who suffer for Christ and own his cause faithfully will be rewarded. They will receive a crown, be pillars in the Temple, have citizenship in God’s city, and bear Jesus’ name.

Other Scripture References

Matthew 23:27

James 1:14

Matthew 10:32–33

1 Corinthians 15:19

John 17:15

Jeremiah 17:9
