
Matthew 25:14-30


Blake Payne

Blake Payne

Pelham Associate Campus Minister

Stewarding our talents well means we are using them for Kingdom production, not selfish consumption. God has entrusted us all with gifts and skills, and we each have a role to play in building up the Church and making God’s name known.

Study Questions

Stewarding our talents well means we are using them for Kingdom production, not selfish consumption. God has entrusted us all with gifts and skills, and we each have a role to play in building up the Church and making God’s name known.


  1. Look at the patterns of what you do well. What talents or skills has God entrusted to you? If you are unsure what these are, how can being in community help you grow in awareness?

  2. How does comparison make it difficult to be content with the talents God has given you? Take some time to think about what it means to be grateful—both for what God has given you and those around you.

  3. We will all have to give an account of how we use our talents. How can you use your talents sacrificially to produce fruit for God’s Kingdom and serve others?

Key Points

  • Church is not a place for us to come and consume. God calls each of us to produce for his Kingdom.

  • All our talents, skills, and resources come from God. He provides and entrusts them to us to make his name known and bless the world around us.

  • God decides and distributes talents according to his plan. Although discrepancies may be challenging, our responsibility is to accept what he has given us.

  • God has expectations around how we use our talents—we are not to use them selfishly or be passive, but to actively invest them for his glory.

  • God is not concerned with who is most talented. We do not earn his approval through accomplishments; he celebrates our faithfulness.

Other Scripture References

Romans 12:6–7
