
Luke 16:1-13


Matt Williams

Matt Williams

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Jesus is clear that we cannot worship both God and money. Being managers and not owners of our resources frees us to connect with God and worship him through our generosity. Because God has been generous to us, we can be generous to others.

Study Questions

Jesus is clear that we cannot worship both God and money. Being managers and not owners of our resources frees us to connect with God and worship him through our generosity. Because God has been generous to us, we can be generous to others.


  1. In our culture, it is normative to consume everything we produce, regardless of our income. How could creating financial margin in your life free you to be generous and free you from worry? What steps do you need to take to move in this direction?

  2. Those who do not give are often controlled by fear. Take some time to reflect—what are you most afraid of when it comes to money? What does this reveal about your view of God and yourself?

  3. Giving is an act of worship that builds our faith and displays the gospel. How does your giving need to change in order to grow your devotion to God? Who can support you or provide accountability in this area?

Key Points

  • The manager in this parable uses what is currently available to him to invest in the future. In the same way, we can use the money God has entrusted to us to invest in eternity.

  • God calls us to leverage our resources to benefit others. In doing so, we can have an eternal impact.

  • Generosity is the heart of the gospel. Jesus depleted himself for us—sacrificing everything to make us rich.

  • Giving to the local church not only supports our primary channel of discipleship, it also extends the gospel to our communities and around the world.

  • While it can be easy to fit into church culture and appear righteous, how we use our money reveals the object of our trust and devotion.

Other Scripture References

Psalm 50:10

Proverbs 26:13 (ESV)
