All Grace Church campuses will have normal service times this weekend, October 5–6. Please check your campus social media or email communication for additional details.

Corporate Repentance and Covenant Renewal

Corporate Repentance and Covenant Renewal

Bill White

Bill White

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

For generations, a pattern of prosperity, pride, sin, discipline, humility, repentance, forgiveness, and obedience characterized Israel. In an effort to break the cycle and submit to a pattern of obedience, the Israelites bind themselves together as the people of God, devoting themselves to the Lord and committing to follow all of his commandments—no matter the cost.

Study Questions

For generations, a pattern of prosperity, pride, sin, discipline, humility, repentance, forgiveness, and obedience characterized Israel. In an effort to break the cycle and submit to a pattern of obedience, the Israelites bind themselves together as the people of God, devoting themselves to the Lord and committing to follow all of his commandments—no matter the cost.


  1. The Israelites take so seriously their promise to obey all of God’s commands that they curse themselves if they fail to obey. How does your devotion compare to that of the Israelites? How seriously do you take obedience to God’s commands?

  2. We should not be bound to anything that would hinder us from following Jesus, but keep ourselves free to do what God wants us to do. In what ways or to whom are you bound? (debt, schedule, recreation, relationships, etc) Do you need to disentangle yourself? How?

  3. Our culture says we should take advantage of every opportunity and leverage every asset to our advantage. The Sabbath reminds us that it is God who provides for us and who is the source of any prosperity in our lives. Why is it hard to turn down an opportunity even when we know it is too much? When is a time you have foregone an opportunity and trusted God to provide? Are there things in your life that God has given you for the purpose of giving to someone else?

  4. We must love God by ordering our lives around his worship and his Temple, the people of God, even if it means removing ourselves from activities that demand all of our energy and affection. What are some practical ways you can center your life around God and his Temple?

Key Points

  • Following Christ requires intentionality, accountability, and sacrifice. The Israelites promised to obey and took action to help them stay committed.

  • We should be bound to people who share our agenda—a desire to follow Christ wholeheartedly.

  • Disentangling ourselves from things that encumber us involves prayer, counsel, and action. It may take time and intentionality to unbound ourselves from them.

  • It is necessary to live as if all of our springs are in the temple of God and not in places or things of this world.

  • Not leveraging every asset requires us to limit the opportunities we take to bless and take care of ourselves in order to bless and care for others

  • God calls us to obey everything he says, not just a portion of it.

Other Scripture References

Psalm 87