The Faithless and Fearing

Malachi 3:13-18

The Faithless and Fearing

Bill White

Bill White

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

In this passage, we see clear evidence of God’s connectedness to his people. They can both grieve and delight him, even when they are not cognizant of his presence. May we take hold of the truth that the Creator of the universe is personally engaged in our lives.

Study Questions

In this passage, we see clear evidence of God’s connectedness to his people. They can both grieve and delight him, even when they are not cognizant of his presence. May we take hold of the truth that the Creator of the universe is personally engaged in our lives.


  1. Consider the reality that God is paying attention to how you express your feelings about life. What does it look like to take God into account in both good and hard times?

  2. Take some time to reflect on the coming Day of the Lord—when God will gather his people to himself as his greatest treasure. How does this knowledge impact your life today?

Key Points

  • The Israelites are frustrated with their circumstances, and in their words to one another, they take no account of God. Ironically, he is taking careful account of them.

  • Jesus suffered acutely on our behalf, and we turned our faces from him. Yet he had to be treated this way for our redemption.

  • The solution to entitlement is to go to God’s sanctuary, his throne room, and remind ourselves that he is in control even when we do not understand.

  • The Israelites who fear God take him into account, speaking to each other about his honor. God takes note of this by commemorating their names.

  • We are God’s treasure, his pearl of great price. No matter what we experience in life, we look forward to the day he claims us as his own in all fullness and glory.

Other Scripture References

Isaiah 53:3

Psalm 73:11–17

Psalm 51

Matthew 13:44–46

Luke 15:11–32
