Corrupt Leadership

Malachi 2:1-9

Corrupt Leadership

Scofield Foster

Scofield Foster

Downtown Campus Pastor

God continues his rebuke of the Israelites’ apathy and disregard, focusing on the priests’ failure to represent him and care for his people. This chastisement reveals the serious weight of spiritual leadership and the interconnected nature of the body of Christ.

Study Questions

God continues his rebuke of the Israelites’ apathy and disregard, focusing on the priests’ failure to represent him and care for his people. This chastisement reveals the serious weight of spiritual leadership and the interconnected nature of the body of Christ.


  1. Reflect on the spiritual leaders who have impacted you. Are there any experiences of brokenness where you need to grieve and turn to Jesus? Are there any people you need to thank God for?

  2. As believers, we are all called to function as priests. Where is there a gap between your calling and your living?

  3. Think of some practical ways you can embody and practice God’s presence for those in your circle of influence.

Key Points

  • The Israelite priests are called to be the embodiment of God’s character and pass down his truth, yet they have willfully compromised his message.

  • Because they have not revered or regarded God, he rebukes them harshly. They are accountable not only for themselves, but for those under their care.

  • Our culture does not view fear and constraint as life-giving. Yet God is clear that reverence of his covenant is our connection to life and peace.

  • Leaders who fear God do what he says. Those who don’t, act independently.

  • A priest is a declared public embodiment of what everyone is supposed to be.

  • Even at its best, the human priesthood is merely a shadow of our perfect and eternal priest—Jesus, who lives to intercede on our behalf.

Other Scripture References

Hebrews 13:17

James 3:1

1 Samuel 2

Numbers 25

Matthew 10:28

Acts 20:28

Proverbs 14:12

1 Peter 2:9–10

Hebrews 7:24–25
