The Word Became Flesh

John 1:1-18

The Word Became Flesh

In this first chapter, John presents the foundational truths of his Gospel. Jesus is God revealed to humanity as Creator, Light, and Life—presented to all, rejected by most, and received by some. As his children, we should align ourselves with Jesus’ light and live as his witnesses in a dark world.

Study Questions

In this first chapter, John presents the foundational truths of his Gospel. Jesus is God revealed to humanity as Creator, Light, and Life—presented to all, rejected by most, and received by some. As his children, we should align ourselves with Jesus’ light and live as his witnesses in a dark world.


  1. The Gospel of John is foundational to our faith. A foundation is designed to bring strength and stability. Where in your life do you feel most unstable? What truths in this passage can bring you stability?

  2. As believers, we should align ourselves with Jesus’ light and be his witness in a world of darkness. What does it look like for you to live as Jesus’ witness at home, in the workplace, and in your community?

  3. Jesus was presented to all, rejected by most, and received by some. How have you seen this reality play out in your own life and in those around you?

Key Points

  • John presents Jesus as the Word—God’s revelation of himself to humanity. The Word is with God, preexistent, distinct from God, coequal with God, and a person.

  • Through the Word, God brought light to darkness and life to nothingness. The light and life we find in Jesus is supreme, eternal, and universal.

  • One of the great mysteries of the Gospel of John is that the world did not recognize Jesus. He was presented to all, rejected by most, and received by some.

  • When we recognize Jesus as God, we have the opportunity to become God’s children. As such, we become his witnesses—light in a dark world.

  • Jesus is the embodiment of God’s grace and truth. In him, we find undeserved favor and intimate access to God.

Other Scripture References

Genesis 1

John 16:33
