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The Light of the World

The world began with God calling light out of darkness. Generations after humanity plunged into the greater darkness of sin, God sent an even greater light to illuminate the hearts of mankind. Jesus is the revelation and embodiment of God’s heart towards his people—love, truth, sacrifice, pursuit. In the Gospel of John, we discover unique insights into both the humanity and divinity of Christ, accounts of his life that arrest our hearts and challenge our faith. Pray that the Holy Spirit would stir us towards growth as we study this profound exploration of faith and spiritual life.

John Boat



The Word Became Flesh

January 22
John 1:1-18

In this first chapter, John presents the foundational truths of his Gospel. Jesus is God revealed to humanity as Creator, Light, and Life—presented to all, rejected by most, and received by some. As his children, we should align ourselves with Jesus’ light and live as his witnesses in a dark world.


Messiah Proclaimed

January 29
John 1:19-51

As John the Baptist takes the stage, we are prepared for the reality that Jesus will not meet his people’s expectations of the Messiah. But although he will not free them from Roman oppression, his mission is far greater—to free them from death by overcoming the barrier of sin and creating a pathway to God.


Messiah Revealed

February 5
John 2:1-12

In this passage, Jesus performs his first miracle. In doing so, he reveals his power and glory as he cares for both his mother and the bridegroom. While the disciples are moved to belief by this display, many are not, hardening their hearts. We also must each contend in our own hearts—who is Jesus to us?


The True Temple

February 12
John 2:13-25

When Jesus enters the Temple, he exerts his authority, driving out all distractions and corruption. As the true Temple, he is our access to God, the place where intercession is made, and the sacrifice that makes reconciliation possible.


Deconstructed by Love

February 19
John 3:1-21

In this passage, Jesus has a conversation with Nicodemus, a Pharisee who recognizes the work God is doing through Jesus. Instead of offering Nicodemus explanations that align with his interpretation of Scripture, Jesus lovingly and directly deconstructs Nicodemus’ identity and worldview by presenting himself as the true source of eternal life. By revealing God’s radical love for the whole world and his intention to save it, not judge it, Jesus calls Nicodemus, and us, to open our hands and receive him as the provider of abundant life.


John the Baptist

February 26
John 3:22-36

As Jesus’ ministry eclipses John the Baptist and his followers, John rejoices. His clarity around who Jesus is and his own supporting role free him from any bitterness or envy. We also should be able to receive with gladness both what God gives us and what he doesn’t, secure in who God has made us to be and our part in advancing his Kingdom.


The Samaritan Woman

March 5
John 4:1-42

Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman is a beautiful picture of how he engages us in our brokenness. Although his exposure of her shame is painful, he leads her in love towards faith and healing. As a result, her story compels many in her community to follow Christ.


Finding Jesus

March 12
John 4:43-54

Although Jesus is welcome in Galilee, he is not honored. Most are interested only in Jesus’ ability to perform and meet their agenda. However, an official whose son is deathly ill models a humble dependence on Jesus. In the same way, God often uses suffering in our lives to show us our need for him and bring us to faith.


Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

March 19
John 5:1-47

Jesus creates tension for the Jewish leaders when he heals a man on the Sabbath. As he exposes their desire for control and power, Jesus presents himself as God’s Son. Not only is he equal with God, he has authority to judge and power over life and death.


Receiving Jesus

March 26
John 6:1-21

The crowd following Jesus grows; however, they seek his power to fulfill their own agenda. In contrast, the disciples simply want to be with Jesus, and they are willing to work alongside him and wait for him. We also must be willing to receive Jesus as he offers himself, and we can rest in the truth that he has come to give us life.


Bread from Heaven

April 2
John 6:22-71

On the heels of his miraculous feeding of the five thousand, Jesus skillfully uncovers the crowd’s agenda and brings them to a point of decision. Are they willing to believe he is the Bread of Life from God who offers eternal life? We likewise must choose if we are willing to trust Jesus more than we trust ourselves.


Are You Thirsty?

April 16
John 7:1-52

During the Festival of Tents, a significant week in the Jewish calendar, Jesus seizes the celebratory moment to preach in Jerusalem, offering himself as living water. The crowds, amazed at his teaching, are divided on whether Jesus is a fraud, a good man, or the Son of God. Today we also must decide who we believe Jesus to be, and recognize that our belief is fueled by our need, or thirst, for him.


Light of the World

April 23
John 8:12-30

The more clearly Jesus claims to be God, the more tension escalates between him and the religious leaders. In this passage, Jesus reveals and offers himself as the light of the world—the only source of true life. All must decide if they will follow Jesus as he offers himself or despise him for disrupting their darkness.


Set Free

April 30
John 8:31-59

Jesus answers questions of his identity by clearly claiming equality with God, and because his audience feels entitled and privileged, they respond in anger. We also like to create our own standards of merit. However, it is only when we feel the weight of our brokenness that we see our need for Jesus to set us free from the power of sin.


Eyes of Faith

May 7
John 9:1-41

In this passage, John contrasts a man born blind with the Pharisees. Because the Pharisees refuse to entertain any view of the world other than their own, they are blind to who Jesus is. However, the man born blind acts in courage with very little information, and his faith allows him to see and worship Jesus for who he is.


The Good Shepherd

May 14
John 10:1-21

As the Good Shepherd, Jesus has an intimate connection with his sheep—they know his voice, follow him, and trust him. Trusting Jesus’ direction is not always easy, but we can rest in the truth that he has already sacrificed himself for us.


A Watershed Moment

May 21
John 10:22-42

In this passage, the Jews continue to reject Jesus. His claim to be the Son of God is too disruptive—they refuse to accept the truth of his identity. As Jesus reveals and offers himself to us, we will also face watershed moments where we must choose to either accept or reject him.


The Resurrection of Lazarus

August 6
John 11:1-57

At Lazarus’ tomb, Jesus joins our lament—identifying with our grief and anger at the brokenness of the world. However, he embodies the truth that death is fleeting and life is eternal. Jesus came into this world and lived under its brokenness in order to provide us a way out through faith in his life, death, and resurrection.


Anointed and Triumphant

August 13
John John 11:54-12:1-19

The response to Jesus becomes increasingly polarized—some hail him as Messiah, while others plot his death. Those who worship him truly respond like Mary, with extravagant sacrifice and loyalty, unafraid of shame and willing to follow him anywhere.


The Hour Has Come

August 20
John 12:20-50

As the Gospel of John turns towards Jesus’ death, both doom and glory pervade the narrative. Jesus grapples with the suffering and wrath he knows will come, yet he has utmost trust in his Father to bring life from death on a scale we cannot even imagine.


The Highest Love in the Lowest Act

August 27
John 13:1-17

In this moment, Jesus astonishes his disciples in an act that is both defining and transformative. By washing their feet, he paints a picture of the gospel and creates a paradigm for them to live by. When we deplete ourselves to serve others, something changes in us, and God blesses us.


Grace, Betrayal, and Denial

September 3
John 13:18–38

At the last supper, Jesus shows extraordinary grace to the man who will betray him. Judas has the opportunity to accept Jesus’ offering, but he hardens his heart. While Peter will also fail, his heart is with Jesus, and redemption will prevail.


The Way, the Truth, and the Life

September 10
John 14:1-14

As Jesus prepares his disciples for his death, he makes an extraordinary promise. While the disciples may not understand what lies ahead, they can rest in the fact that because they know Jesus, they don’t have to be weighed down by the unknown.


God in Us

September 17
John 14:15-31

With death just around the corner, Jesus uses his remaining moments to encourage his disciples. His statements about leaving have caused confusion and panic, but Jesus meets them in their fear by promising his everlasting divine presence through the Holy Spirit. The Spirit provides them, and us, a close and constant connection with God—teaching us, leading us in truth, and fueling peace-filled lives marked by loving obedience.


Obey, Love, Abide

September 24
John 15:1-17

In this passage, Jesus uses the image of a fruitful vine to explain what it looks like to have a vibrant, intimate relationship with the Father. Through obedience, sacrificial love, and the work of the Holy Spirit, we can live fruitful lives and find abiding joy.


Hated by the World

October 1
John 15:18-16:4

This passage challenges our tendency to politicize our faith as triumphant over the world. Instead, Jesus tells us to love one another, expect opposition, and embrace the cross when it is given to us. We are not called to fix the brokenness of the world, but to bear humble witness to Jesus’ work in our lives.


The Work of the Holy Spirit

October 8
John 16:5-15

As the disciples face the loss of Jesus, he assures them something better is coming. The Holy Spirit will live in them—providing conviction, clarity, guidance, and discernment. As believers, we can also rejoice in the comfort of God’s presence in our hearts.


Sorrow Turned to Joy

October 15
John 16:16-33

As Jesus continues to prepare his disciples for the future, he is clear that this world holds trials and sorrow. However, the reality of his Kingship reframes their experience. We also can have hope that in Christ, there is peace and joy that outweighs any sadness.


Our Priest and Advocate

October 22
John 17:1-26

After revealing himself as the Son of God during his earthly ministry, Jesus enters a new era of functioning as our priest and advocate—he represents us to the Father. In this passage, Jesus prays that he would glorify the Father, and he intercedes for all who will follow him.


A Bigger Battle

October 29
John 18:1-14

After encouraging his disciples, Jesus walks with them to the grove of olive trees, where he knows he will be betrayed. When Judas and the Roman guards arrive, Jesus willingly steps forward to drink the cup of suffering the Father has prepared for him, embarking on a path toward death that will usher in a new spiritual kingdom.


Embracing the Cross

November 5
John 18:15-27

As Jesus resolutely steps forward into suffering, prepared to embrace the cross for us, Peter remains in the shadows, confused and afraid. However, we can be encouraged that Jesus has made a way for those who fail him most personally to be restored and confess his name with joy.


On Trial for Us

November 12
John 18:28-40

Because the Jewish leaders don’t want the responsibility of executing Jesus, they pressure Pilate to solve their problem. The entire situation is fraught and chaotic, yet God is orchestrating forces of evil to bring about the greatest good.


Innocent, Sovereign, Silent

November 19
John 19:1-27

This passage is thick with irony—the man in power has no power, and the man in chains is innocent, sovereign, and silent. While it may seem that Satan’s schemes are prevailing, God is in control, and nothing can thwart his purposes.


Proclaiming Jesus' Death

December 3
John 19:28-42

John gives an eyewitness account of Jesus' death so that we might believe in the power of the risen Christ. And while the event is both tragic and chaotic, God is sovereign over every moment, orchestrating all things towards his good purposes.


See and Believe

December 10
John 20:1-31

As he concludes his account of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, John tells his audience that he has written these things so they might believe. We can take comfort that while we may not physically see the resurrected Jesus, God has given us credible witnesses to strengthen our faith, and he has a special blessing for those who believe without seeing.


Love and Serve

December 17
John 21:1-25

In this passage, Jesus mirrors Peter’s three denials with three questions, three affirmations of love, and three affirmations of work to be done. We can take great encouragement from Peter’s story that even in the wake of great failure, we can follow Jesus and serve him in love.

In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:1

Study Questions

  • WEEK 1: The Word Became Flesh


  • WEEK 2: Messiah Proclaimed


  • WEEK 3: Messiah Revealed


  • WEEK 4: The True Temple


  • WEEK 5: Deconstructed by Love


  • WEEK 6: John the Baptist


  • WEEK 7: The Samaritan Woman


  • WEEK 8: Finding Jesus


  • WEEK 9: Jesus Heals on the Sabbath


  • WEEK 10: Receiving Jesus


  • WEEK 11: Bread from Heaven


  • WEEK 12: Are You Thirsty?


  • WEEK 13: Light of the World


  • WEEK 14: Set Free


  • WEEK 15: Eyes of Faith


  • WEEK 16: The Good Shepherd


  • WEEK 17: A Watershed Moment


  • WEEK 18: The Resurrection of Lazarus


  • WEEK 19: Anointed and Triumphant


  • WEEK 20: The Hour Has Come


  • WEEK 21: The Highest Love in the Lowest Act


  • WEEK 22: Grace, Betrayal, and Denial


  • WEEK 23: The Way, the Truth, and the Life


  • WEEK 24: God in Us


  • WEEK 25: Obey, Love, Abide


  • WEEK 26: Hated by the World


  • WEEK 27: The Work of the Holy Spirit


  • WEEK 28: Sorrow Turned to Joy


  • WEEK 29: Our Priest and Advocate


  • WEEK 30: A Bigger Battle


  • WEEK 31: Embracing the Cross


  • WEEK 32: On Trial for Us


  • WEEK 33: Innocent, Sovereign, Silent


  • WEEK 34: Proclaiming Jesus' Death


  • WEEK 35: See and Believe


  • WEEK 36: Love and Serve


Reading Plan

These daily readings will help prepare you for the upcoming teaching you will hear this weekend at Grace Church. These passages will create some context for the sermon by showing you Scriptures the teacher might be quoting and some passages that contain related ideas. Our hope is that as you follow this reading plan, it will help you become more defined and directed by Scripture.

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John Timeline Header
Star of Bethlehem
5 BC

Jesus' birth

Jesus Carpenter
8-28/30 AD

Jesus works as a carpenter in Nazareth

Jesus Teaching
28/30 AD

Jesus begins his ministry; John becomes a disciple

Jesus Crucified
33 AD

Jesus is crucified and resurrected

Destruction of Temple
70 AD

Destruction of Jerusalem temple

Baptism of Jesus
85-95 AD

Gospel according to John is written

85-95 AD

1-3 John is written

Judgement of World
95-96 AD

Revelation is written


John: Figures in John's Gospel
John Post-Resurrection Timeline