Partiality and Faith

James 2:1-13

Partiality and Faith

Bill White

Bill White

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

In this passage, James calls us to test the authenticity of our faith by examining how we treat others. The notions of rank and position are deeply embedded in the human experience, but as followers of Jesus, our favor should go first to the most lowly among us.

Study Questions

In this passage, James calls us to test the authenticity of our faith by examining how we treat others. The notions of rank and position are deeply embedded in the human experience, but as followers of Jesus, our favor should go first to the most lowly among us.


  1. Spend some time in honest reflection about the people you orient your life around. What would it look like for you to build a relationship with or care for someone who has nothing to offer you in return?

  2. To understand the power of Jesus, we have to understand our own frailty. How can you put yourself in a position that forces you to depend more fully on God? (Consider serving, generosity, engaging the community, missions, etc.)

Key Points

  • God’s Kingdom economy is the opposite of our natural tendencies. He values lowliness, and his power is manifest through weakness.

  • We must create pathways for those who are out of the flow of blessing in our culture so they can be connected to the flow of blessing in the Kingdom.

  • There are both ethical commands and comfort for us in the gospel. They are not in opposition to one another—we respond in obedience as we rejoice in God’s mercy.

  • Our words and actions provide a window into our souls. James is clear that those who follow God will mirror his mercy.

Other Scripture References

James 1:25–27

Deuteronomy 10:17

Matthew 19:24

Matthew 5

Luke 6

Matthew 22:36–40
