A Tender Shoot

Isaiah 11:1-16

A Tender Shoot

Scofield Foster

Scofield Foster

Downtown Campus Pastor

We live in a broken, hostile world. Yet Isaiah is clear that God will not leave us in darkness. Jesus came into the world and began to unwind our brokenness, and he will come again to rule, bring peace, and gather his people to himself.

Study Questions


  1. Consider the reality that Jesus will return as King and reign in truth and righteousness. Are there parts of your life not in alignment with him?

  2. What does it look like to live “ready” for Jesus’ return? Think of ways you can say yes to knowing, fearing, and obeying him today.

  3. Are there any facets of your life that feel like a dead stump? How does that experience create a longing for Jesus’ return?

Key Points

  • While Israel is likened to a dead stump, Isaiah prophesies a secret vitality hidden in the roots of David’s line will bring hope and peace. Life will emerge out of death.

  • The coming ruler will have insight, wisdom, and the ability to carry out his will. His driving force will be delight in obeying God.

  • He will also bring perfect justice, and there will be no more threats, hurt, or hostility in his reign. The world will be safe for the most innocent among us.

  • The present darkness is great, but his light will be greater.

  • God promises to gather all his people to himself—both Jew and Gentile. We can rejoice that in that day, we will be seen, united, and at peace.

Other Scripture References

1 Kings 3

Isaiah 13–14

Matthew 2:1–3, 13
