All Grace Church campuses will have normal service times this weekend, October 5–6. Please check your campus social media or email communication for additional details.

Nebuchadnezzar's Humbling

Daniel 4:1-37

Nebuchadnezzar's Humbling

Daniel Black

Daniel Black

Spartanburg Campus Pastor

As Nebuchadnezzar tells the story of his dream, we see a man full of pride and arrogance humbled by God. The drastic nature of Nebuchadnezzar’s reckoning is a warning—if we do not deny ourselves, turn from our sin, and humble ourselves before God, then he will humble us.

Study Questions

As Nebuchadnezzar tells the story of his dream, we see a man full of pride and arrogance humbled by God. The drastic nature of Nebuchadnezzar’s reckoning is a warning—if we do not deny ourselves, turn from our sin, and humble ourselves before God, then he will humble us.


  1. How do you tend to respond when God’s sovereignty threatens what you want in life? What does that reveal about your heart? What would it look like to release control to God even when it means accepting an undesired outcome?

  2. Our power, status, and ability can fuel our pride and push us away from God. How have you seen this truth play out in your life? In what areas of your life do you most value your power, status, or ability (work, family, ministry, etc.)?

  3. Comfort and prosperity are dangerous for Christ-followers. How do these circumstances breed sin and entitlement? What steps do you need to take to guard your heart against the effects of comfort and prosperity?

  4. Has God ever humbled you in order to free you from sin? What was that experience like? How did it affect your faith? What would it look like to humble yourself now to address sin in your life?

Key Points

  • Even though Nebuchadnezzar honors God with his words, it’s clear that his pride is fueled by his own status, power, and ability. He is not willing to acknowledge God with his actions.

  • Nebuchadnezzar’s dream functions as a warning. But because he refuses to humble himself, God humbles him. Humbling will either happen by me or to me.

  • We often want to be seen and appreciated more than we want God to be worshiped. When we function as the center of our world, we miss what God has for us.

  • Comfort and prosperity are dangerous for Christ-followers. They create a posture of pride and entitlement rather than dependence on God.

  • Because God is patient and kind, the tree we deserve to die on became the cross Jesus endured to pay for our sins.

Other Scripture References

Psalm 149:4

Matthew 5:29-30

James 4:6-10

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