All Grace Church campuses will have normal service times this weekend, October 5–6. Please check your campus social media or email communication for additional details.

Idolatrous Demands

Daniel 3:1-30

Idolatrous Demands

Scofield Foster

Scofield Foster

Downtown Campus Pastor

In this well known passage, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego face extreme hostility to their faith. However, their faithfulness creates an opportunity for God to put his power and sovereignty on display for the entire nation of Babylon. As believers, we also live in a hostile world and must learn to trust God and release the outcome to him.

Study Questions

In this well known passage, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego face extreme hostility to their faith. However, their faithfulness creates an opportunity for God to put his power and sovereignty on display for the entire nation of Babylon. As believers, we also live in a hostile world and must learn to trust God and release the outcome to him.


  1. In what ways are you being pressured to bow down and worship something other than God? Are you aware of your idols? How can you grow in awareness of not only your own idols, but of the idols of those for whom you are responsible?

  2. How is obeying God creating friction in your life? What is something that’s going to require courage that you know God is calling you to do? If you’re not experiencing friction because of your faith, consider why that is the case.

  3. We are often devoted to God for the outcome, not regardless of the outcome. What does “even if not” faith look like for us? What personal outcome are you struggling to let go of?

Key Points

  • Even though Nebuchadnezzar proclaimed God’s power in the previous chapter, he continues idolizing himself. Confession without repentance is meaningless.

  • Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego face extreme hostility. However, their faithfulness creates an opportunity for God to display his power and sovereignty.

  • In our culture, we tend to take a stand on lesser issues of concern. However, God calls us to take a stand on things we are responsible for.

  • These Jewish men were willing to stand for God regardless of the outcome. Confidence and peace don’t come from trying to control the outcome, but from knowing the God who does.

  • Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s willingness to trust God puts him in a position to do something unimaginable for them. He does not save them from the fire—he delivers them in it.

  • The Christian life is marked by loving God in a world that does not.

Other Scripture References

Daniel 2

Exodus 20:2-5

Psalm 23

John 19:10-11a

Luke 9:23-24

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