All Grace Church campuses will have normal service times this weekend, October 5–6. Please check your campus social media or email communication for additional details.

Daniel's Prayer of Confession

Daniel 9:1-27

Daniel's Prayer of Confession

In his old age, Daniel encounters a prophecy in the Scriptures foretelling the exile that he has experienced for most of his life. His response is one of humility, dependence, and hope in God’s covenant love for his people. This posture of repentance should also mark our relationship with God.

Study Questions

In his old age, Daniel encounters a prophecy in the Scriptures foretelling the exile that he has experienced for most of his life. His response is one of humility, dependence, and hope in God’s covenant love for his people. This posture of repentance should also mark our relationship with God.


  1. When Daniel learns that the Jewish exile had been prophesied in Scripture, he mourns and confesses both his sins and those of his people. Consider the idea that confession should be a regular part of the Christian life. What role does confession have in your prayer life?

  2. Part of confession is cultivating a posture of humility and dependence. What does it look like to be humble and dependent on God in your regular rhythms of life—in your interaction with Scripture and with those around you?

  3. Once again we are reminded that God does not give us clarity around all things, and this should strengthen our faith. We do know that he is working towards building his Kingdom—how does this truth give us both hope and purpose in the face of uncertainty?

Key Points

  • Late in his life, Daniel learns that the Jewish exile had been prophesied in Jeremiah as a result of the Israelites’ unfaithfulness. He responds with great mourning and a prayer of confession.

  • Daniel’s confession begins with humility, and so should ours. Part of repentance is owning our sin and standing in agreement with God’s righteousness.

  • While God’s judgment of the Israelites is just, in his mercy, he uses the exile to bring them back to himself.

  • Daniel appeals to God’s character—his covenant love and compassion—and God sends Gabriel, who comforts Daniel and gives him insight into the future.

  • The details surrounding the future are unclear, but we know God is always working to establish his eternal Kingdom. Meanwhile, we have hope and purpose—we wait patiently for Jesus’ second coming and share the gospel with those around us.

Other Scripture References

Jeremiah 25

Jeremiah 29

Matthew 23

2 Corinthians 7:10

Deuteronomy 28

Acts 1:6-8

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