

Blake Payne

Blake Payne

Pelham Associate Campus Minister

Our culture views gratitude as a feeling that results from favorable circumstances, but that is not how God defines gratitude. The Scriptures tell us gratitude is a choice, and we can practice it by praying consistently and depending on God in all circumstances.

Study Questions


  1. God inserted rituals of gratitude into the Israelites’ calendar. What are some practices of gratitude you can make part of your daily, weekly, and monthly schedule?

  2. What opportunities to be a light in this world are you missing because you are choosing grumbling instead of gratitude?

Key Points

  • Entitled frustration is part of the fallen human condition. In Scripture, God prescribes gratitude as the antidote.

  • Gratitude is a choice that can override what we feel.

  • Gratitude is a witness that brings honor to God and reflects his light in the world.

  • Our ability to “always be joyful” is rooted in an understanding that, no matter our circumstances, we are connected to a God who is sovereign, constant, and good.

  • Paul exhorts us to “never stop praying”—to have a heart posture of constantly lifting up our hearts and needs to God in dependence.

Other Scripture References

Philippians 2:12–15

Philippians 4:6

Philippians 4:11–12

Exodus 13:3–16
