All Grace Church campuses will have normal service times this weekend, October 5–6. Please check your campus social media or email communication for additional details.

A Glorious New Way

A Glorious New Way

Scofield Foster

Scofield Foster

Downtown Campus Pastor

Believers in the church at Corinth are being swayed by the lure of human power and credibility. In response, Paul points them to the power of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ. It is only when we feel our lack and turn to Christ that we can be transformed by the Holy Spirit to reflect the glory of God.

Study Questions

Believers in the church at Corinth are being swayed by the lure of human power and credibility. In response, Paul points them to the power of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ. It is only when we feel our lack and turn to Christ that we can be transformed by the Holy Spirit to reflect the glory of God.


  1. We all struggle with sin. How can your sinful weakness—your inability to keep God’s law— teach you about your need for God’s grace and power?

  2. Discuss your experience of God. Has “the veil” been taken away for you? If so, how did your relationship with God change as a result?

  3. Consider God’s resume in your life. How has he already shown his glory by changing you? In what ways can your past encourage your faith moving forward?

  4. We are called to reflect God’s glory to those around us. What are some specific ways you can do that in your everyday life?

Key Points

  • In order to point the Corinthian believers towards the power of Christ, Paul explains that the Old Covenant, the law, is insufficient in and of itself—it is merely a teacher that points us to the New Covenant.

  • In Christ through the Spirit, the New Covenant gives us the power to live out the relationship with God that we were created for.

  • When we are transformed by the gospel, the Holy Spirit gives us new desires and abilities. We gain both the desire to obey and the power to do so.

  • We should be more captivated by God’s resume in our lives than our own abilities. Looking back at how he has transformed us can prompt us to move forward in faith.

  • The gospel transformation begins when we turn to Jesus in a personal way. Only then will the veil be removed so we can experience the true glory of God.

  • Once we have seen God’s glory through Christ, then we can reflect it to others and be changed into his glorious image.

Other Scripture References

Ezekiel 36:26-27

Exodus 19-34