All Grace Church campuses will have normal service times this weekend, October 5–6. Please check your campus social media or email communication for additional details.

The Kingdom Story | Week 6

The Kingdom Story | Week 6

Jesus and the Gospels

Israel’s long awaited Messiah has come! But not in the way most people expected. The next four books follow Jesus’ birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection. Jesus’ unorthodox teaching and miraculous works draw crowds of followers, including his 12 disciples who follow him closely and record the gospel books. Through his arrival and ministry, Jesus fulfills Old Testament promises and prophecies, and he is establishing a new Kingdom that is different from what everyone was expecting. Despite his massive following, in time, we will see that only some believe Jesus truly is who he claims to be—the Son of God. Many reject Jesus because his teaching seems so radical compared to what they are used to. Ultimately, this rejection leads to his crucifixion, which then leads to his resurrection, proving his power and authority over death itself.

  • What part of the Bible are we covering?
    • Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
  • Scripture to read this week:
    • Matthew 1; John 3, 17; Mark 1

Jesus’ birth created a division in history, which is where we get the terms B.C. and A.D.

Old Testament prophecies Jesus fulfilled: Read the passages below and draw a line to connect which New Testament story fulfills an Old Testament prophecy about Jesus.

  • Isaiah 7:14
  • Matthew 27:13–14
  • Micah 5:2
  • Luke 2:1-7
  • Psalm 22:1–8
  • Matthew 27:39–46
  • Isaiah 53:7
  • Matthew 1:18–25

The Gospels highlight three main sections of Jesus’ life: (1) his childhood, (2) ministry, and (3) death and resurrection.

Jesus’ arrival not only fulfills Old Testament prophecies, but it also establishes a New Covenant for God’s people. Read Luke 22:19–20. In the Old Testament covenant God made with his people, animal sacrifice was required to atone the people’s sin. According to this passage, who or what is the new sacrifice to atone for sin?

Read Hebrews 10:1–18 to learn more about this new covenant and Jesus’ sacrifice. What are some of the differences between the old and new covenants?

Jesus’ teaching shows his authority over the Word of God. Throughout his ministry, including his baptism, death, and resurrection, Jesus communicates that he is the son of God and he IS God.

Read Mark 1:9–11. In the account of Jesus’ baptism, how do you see evidence that Jesus is the Son of God? How do you see the Trinity working together in this moment?

Read John 20. How is Jesus’ resurrection essential to God’s Redemption Plan?

Big Picture:

  • Jesus comes as the fulfillment of the Old Covenant prophecies and promises.
  • Jesus is the Son of God, coming to earth as a baby born of human flesh—he is fully God and fully man.
  • Jesus dies in our place. He triumphs over death, proving that he is the Messiah who has authority even over death.


  • Consider Jesus’ fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies. How does Jesus play a vital role in God’s Redemption Plan?
  • “Gospel” means “good news.” What is the “good news” being told in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?
  • One thing Jesus asks many people in the gospel narratives is “Who do you say I am?” How would you answer that question about Jesus?
  • Pick a passage from one of these four books to read. What do you learn about Jesus’ character? What do you learn about how you should live?