
God or Money
Money is a necessity for life, but often becomes the thing that drives us instead of God. You can’t truly serve God if money is …

Self-Love or Love of Others
We live in a culture that promotes self-care and self-love, but focusing only on ourselves isn’t what God wants for his people. You can either …

Greatness in the Kingdom vs Greatness Here
God gives us hope for greatness in his kingdom, but often we strive to achieve greatness in this world. Because we are made in God’s …

As the Creator, God made us male and female in his image. He is in charge and defines how we should think about gender. A …

This week, we unpack how we are fundamentally broken and that we have confirmed over and over again the choices Adam and Eve made in …

We are dead because of our sins. God gives us new life when we believe in him. Our lives should display fruit as evidence that …

This week, we learn about how God’s family members serve one another and others as they trust and obey him. He’s made us to be …

This week, we learn about how everything we have is a gift from God. Since there is a God and I am not him, he …