Ezer Equipped Newsletter | Intentional Remembrance
God called Israel to remember his rescue in light of their slavery, his provision in light of their wilderness wanderings, and his covenant faithfulness in …
God called Israel to remember his rescue in light of their slavery, his provision in light of their wilderness wanderings, and his covenant faithfulness in …
So many people are anxious, weary, lonely, and discouraged. And it seems as if darkness has indeed swallowed up the light. This extended period of …
This season has revealed how little control we have in life and how fragile everything is. When we trust God to be God and to …
So what do we hold fast to? What is it that can not only enable us to weather the storm, but to also do so …
This guide will help you examine not only the rotten fruit produced by your unbelief, but also the root system and the soil that causes …
When you become a Christian, the spirit of God comes to live inside you and gives you a spiritual gift that you did not work …
Being self aware of our own struggles puts us in a position to surrender that to God and grow in grace. This re:generation self assessment …
Peter was clear that because God raised Christ from the dead, affirming his finished work on the cross, that those who believe in him have …