
Women at Grace Newsletter: Choosing Truth Over Lies | March 2025

Women at Grace Newsletter: Choosing Truth Over Lies | March 2025

Women at Grace Newsletter: Choosing Truth Over Lies | March 2025

Lie: God is not enough.

Therefore, I . . .

Perform like it depends on me. Strive for the approval of others. Chase what the world has to offer. Satisfy myself with an endless supply of distractions. Desire what I do not have. Sprint breathlessly alongside an unbelieving world. Struggle to keep up the pace, but just run myself farther from the truth.

The truth is that I do not need to add anything to God.

It’s almost laughably simple. What could I possibly add to our Creator, especially in light of all he has done for me in Christ? As a believer, I know this beautiful truth about our Lord. He is enough! But if I take an honest look at myself, I live like he is not enough. And my autonomous thoughts confirm this throughout my day. That is an ugly truth.

Scripture has much to say about complete satisfaction in our Creator. In Romans 1:25, Paul says, “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.”

Acting in delusion that God is not enough, I careen through my days, serving one created thing after another. I am reminded of the powerful story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10. A large group of people are on their way to Martha’s house. There is so much to do! And no one else is going to do it. Her sister, Mary, could be helping her, but instead she is hanging out at Jesus’ feet, listening to what he’s saying. Martha’s stressing, distracted by her perceived martyrdom of hospitality. She’s so caught up in the lie that Jesus is not enough, that she even complains about her sister’s idleness.

I am ashamed of how familiar this story is to me, how it reflects my life. Sister in Christ, does this ring true for you, too? Let’s allow Jesus’ gentle rebuke to wash over us.

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed, or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42

Just Jesus.

Recently, I wrote these verses in my prayer journal, and in place of Martha’s name, I wrote my own, and I paraphrased his second sentence as if he were speaking to me. Try this:

“______, ______. You are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed, or indeed only one. Choose what is better, and it will not be taken away from you.”

Let us repent of our daily self-obsession. Together, let’s lean into his unfailing mercy and love as we combat Satan’s lies with the truth we find in Scripture:

I am not enough. I was never meant to be enough. God is enough, and he is all I need.

Jackie Vest

For the Women at Grace Newsletter Team


The truth that God is enough is multi-layered. Ephesians 1 unpacks many facets of what we have from the Father in Christ. Verses 7-8 say, “[God] is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.” These two verses alone capture the freedom, forgiveness, wisdom, and understanding we have in Christ. Take some time to read all of Ephesians 1, focusing on the many ways God is all we need. I pray we take hold of these truths and invite them to transform our hearts.

Sarah Bailey

For the Women at Grace Newsletter Team


  • Because God was enough for him, Paul could be content in both plenty and want (Phil. 4:12). In what ways do you feel discontent or dissatisfied? Where do you try to fill your “God-shaped vacuum” with worldly things?
  • When your world falls apart (when the cancer diagnosis comes, when you are hurt or lonely, when you fail), where do you run first? How does that destination expose who or what your heart loves and trusts?
  • Take some time to write down all the ways God is enough. Consider listing our spiritual blessings from Ephesians 1. Then, express your gratitude for the ways God has shown himself to be enough for you.

Libby Thomas

For the Women at Grace Newsletter Team
