Ezer Equipped | From Shame to Honor
We are image bearers—created in the image of God with great dignity and honor, entrusted with a great purpose, and designed to enjoy unhindered relationships …
We are image bearers—created in the image of God with great dignity and honor, entrusted with a great purpose, and designed to enjoy unhindered relationships …
Before reading this story, read the Scripture passage. Keep in mind that this is a loose retelling and liberties have been taken to capture our …
Honor is the antidote to shame. While we can act in honorable or dishonorable ways, we cannot honor ourselves. Honor can only be given to …
This article is the second in a three-part series on the topic of shame. If you have not gone through the first one, Understanding Shame, …
One of the most powerful ways that we can demonstrate love and care for another—and be relationally connected—is to be compassionate and empathetic. You can …
Before reading this story, read the Scripture passage. Keep in mind that this is a loose retelling and liberties have been taken to capture our …
You may be painfully aware of how shame operates in your life, or you may insist that it doesn't. Either way, what you need to …
Puede que usted sea dolorosamente consciente de cómo opera la vergüenza en su vida, o puede que no sepa el papel que juega la vergüenza …
This resource comes from our Shame: Finding Freedom study and will help you become more aware of how shame is described in Scripture. As you …
This resource is from our Shame: Finding Freedom study. Some liberties have been taken in this retelling, but we hope it captivates your imagination as …
Esperamos que este recurso le ayude a ser más consciente de cómo se describe la vergüenza en las Escrituras. Al leer los pasajes, entrene su …