Ezer Equipped | Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness
Whenever I’m at the beach, I think about how, since the dawn of creation, there’s never been a moment when the waves haven’t rolled in. …
Whenever I’m at the beach, I think about how, since the dawn of creation, there’s never been a moment when the waves haven’t rolled in. …
Goodness is much more than the absence of evil. It’s not just doing a good deed, or checking a box, and it is certainly not …
As believers, we know how the story ends: we know that we will be with our Savior for eternity. And we also know the part …
When I offered to write about kindness as a fruit of the Spirit, I thought it would be a safe, easy assignment. I have experienced …
Perseverance looks like doing the next thing with intention. I am so quick to pour out grace on others and bring the judgment hammer down …
We all feel overwhelmed at some point in our daily lives, and my prayer is that we would slow down enough to realize that when …
True joy is tied to a believer's experience of Jesus’ redeeming work in our lives. Since God has rescued us from our worst problem through …
“Love is a battlefield.” Do you remember that song lyric from the 80s? It’s been true in my house over the past days and weeks. …
We believe the practice of remembrance is an important spiritual discipline for God’s people. As we look back in remembrance, we can trust him with …
We encourage you to print out this reflection guide and complete it over the next month. Consider talking through it with a friend, community group …
In the midst of all the planning and preparing for this season, let's not forget to prepare our hearts by focusing on the true source …
Use this Advent Calendar to focus your prayers for the day and prepare your hearts for Christmas.
The word “still” in Hebrew is rapa, (“to slacken, let down, or cease”). Sometimes this word can also mean: “to drop, be weak, or faint.” …
We are image bearers—created in the image of God with great dignity and honor, entrusted with a great purpose, and designed to enjoy unhindered relationships …
Before reading this story, read the Scripture passage. Keep in mind that this is a loose retelling and liberties have been taken to capture our …
Honor is the antidote to shame. While we can act in honorable or dishonorable ways, we cannot honor ourselves. Honor can only be given to …
This article is the second in a three-part series on the topic of shame. If you have not gone through the first one, Understanding Shame, …
One of the most powerful ways that we can demonstrate love and care for another—and be relationally connected—is to be compassionate and empathetic. You can …
Before reading this story, read the Scripture passage. Keep in mind that this is a loose retelling and liberties have been taken to capture our …
You may be painfully aware of how shame operates in your life, or you may insist that it doesn't. Either way, what you need to …
Puede que usted sea dolorosamente consciente de cómo opera la vergüenza en su vida, o puede que no sepa el papel que juega la vergüenza …
This resource comes from our Shame: Finding Freedom study and will help you become more aware of how shame is described in Scripture. As you …
This resource is from our Shame: Finding Freedom study. Some liberties have been taken in this retelling, but we hope it captivates your imagination as …
Esperamos que este recurso le ayude a ser más consciente de cómo se describe la vergüenza en las Escrituras. Al leer los pasajes, entrene su …
Our Biblical Femininity study gives us a robust picture of what it means to be a woman, created in the image of God with a …
Corruption of nurture by confusion over responsibility and concern is an important concept that is introduced in our Biblical Femininity study.
Our idolatry is a heart problem—a problem of disordered thinking that leads to disordered worship. Idolatry is taking the good gifts that God has given …
Both today’s pop culture and religious culture are giving us confusing messages about our body. The goal of the Body Matters study is to help …
Sin has clouded our vision and given us a false view of ourselves. In our Body Matters study, we provide a symptom checker for our …
What does it look like for a woman to have a healthy, God-honoring relationship with her body and body image? Our Body Matters study helps …
Although we are created in the image of God, our sin mars that image in ways that hurt our relationship with Christ and mask our …
Our A Woman's Words study takes an important look at how we have been shaped by others’ words. It asks hard questions about the past. …
Words are powerful, and Scripture reminds us that out of the heart, the mouth speaks. Our words impact all of our relationships, so it is …
In our Redeeming Sexuality study, we use this diagram to help us determine the fractures in our lives.
The good news of the gospel for the sexually fractured is this: Jesus loves the sinners and the sufferers. Whether you feel tainted by the …
In our Redeeming Sexuality study, we look at how God's truth defines the goodness and purpose of sex. In light of our experiences, this creates …
In our Redeeming Sexuality study, we learn the power that we have can be used for life or death. We can influence others for good, …
In our Redeeming Sexuality study, we learn that each of these truths plays a significant role in understanding how our relationship with God and our …
In our Redeeming Sexuality study, we learn that each season will have specific challenges, myths that we are tempted to believe, and specific work we …
Prayer is how we communicate with God. Prayer is pouring out our hearts to God in praise, petition, confession of sin, and thanksgiving. We pray …
We are commanded in Scripture to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). Just as a …
Early in my faith journey, I mistakenly believed that my right standing with God depended upon me. As I grew in self-awareness and knowledge of …
I’ve been following Jesus for almost seventeen years now, and if I am honest, I still feel like a toddler in the faith—learning, like my …
Our eyes are so important to our daily lives. They help us navigate, discern danger, and even connect with others relationally. So when you can’t …
This is the third January we’ve focused on the spiritual discipline of remembering because we believe it is a vital spiritual practice for God’s people. …
Ten years ago, I went to the Grand Canyon for a backpacking trip with some family and friends. No picture or video could ever capture …
When you become a Christian, the spirit of God comes to live inside you and gives you a spiritual gift that you did not work …
There’s a funny quote that circulates the internet, “I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me all at …
My imagination has been captivated by the Japanese art of kintsugi ever since I heard about it. Kintsugi is the practice of mending broken pottery …
From the very beginning, Scripture tells the story of how God has been establishing a people for himself—the first man and woman, the nation of …
Because technology demands more and more of us while offering less and less, it’s no wonder we are more lonely and isolated and anxious than …
Our hope in Christ’s resurrection isn’t just some made-up fairytale, but a real, historical event substantiated by many witnesses—actual men and women who saw a …
One of the questions most frequently asked by Christians when dealing with the subject of sex is, “What about masturbation?” Men and women alike have …
If worry were physical exercise, many of us would be Olympic athletes! No doubt, many things we worry about are legitimate concerns—and that makes it …
As we are entering into a new year, things might not look as different as we had hoped they would be. The same brokenness that …
God called Israel to remember his rescue in light of their slavery, his provision in light of their wilderness wanderings, and his covenant faithfulness in …
So many people are anxious, weary, lonely, and discouraged. And it seems as if darkness has indeed swallowed up the light. This extended period of …
This season has revealed how little control we have in life and how fragile everything is. When we trust God to be God and to …
So what do we hold fast to? What is it that can not only enable us to weather the storm, but to also do so …
This guide will help you examine not only the rotten fruit produced by your unbelief, but also the root system and the soil that causes …
When you become a Christian, the spirit of God comes to live inside you and gives you a spiritual gift that you did not work …
Peter was clear that because God raised Christ from the dead, affirming his finished work on the cross, that those who believe in him have …