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Sermon Series View

Self Made

It is a badge of honor in American culture to be considered a self-made man or woman. Yet, being the god of our own world has a dark side. When we are at the center, the pressure is on us to find happiness, meaning, and security. A message promising freedom turns us into slaves—anxious, tired, and disconnected. Jesus offers something far better. He invites us to give up our lives, embrace him as the main character, and find a different kind of freedom within his design for us. In this series, we will explore the question—what does it mean to live as creatures in a self-created world? 

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self made square

Loneliness and Anxiety

In a culture where we have more connection and agency than ever before, we are overwhelmingly isolated and anxious. We feel responsible to make our …

Blake Payne

Pelham Associate Campus Minister

self made square

Sex and Happiness

The world has merged sex and happiness, telling us that living out our sexual desires will bring identity and fulfillment. However, true life and identity …

Scofield Foster

Downtown Campus Pastor

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Love and Affirmation

Since the creation of man, we have believed lies about the nature of love. Our culture equates love with affirmation, and any disagreement is perceived …

Blake Payne

Pelham Associate Campus Minister

Working Episode Card

Working at Front Porch

In this three-episode series, we are celebrating the two year anniversary of Front Porch Housing by sharing stories from a variety of perspectives. This episode …

Whitney Maness

Video Project Manager; Videographer

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