On a given weekend, a hundred or so seniors around the Upstate attend Grace Church services, yet never step onto any of our campuses. They haven’t sat beside us in a service, but if you were to ask them where they attend church, they would say they go to Grace. These senior citizens are those who benefit from Senior Honor, a Grace ministry providing Sunday worship services, social events, and one-on-one relationships with assisted living communities across the Upstate.
The Bible speaks clearly about the honor and wisdom that comes with old age, and it goes further to say in James 1:27, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit widows and orphans in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” If honoring and caring for the senior citizens in our society is important to God, then it is important to us. Volunteers with Senior Honor are committed to caring for and supporting residents of assisted living communities with unique gifts, skills, and passion God has given them.
Individuals, families, and groups are all welcome to serve in Senior Honor, though it’s important to note that larger group opportunities may be limited depending on the community, season, and needs. Read on for more information about our partner communities and just a few of the serving opportunities with each. Click the “volunteer interest form” button below to share your interest in joining our Senior Honor ministry.
Each Grace campus partners with an assisted living community in close proximity to care for and serve staff and residents in various ways. Volunteers serve by hosting Sunday worship services, visiting residents, making cards, helping with special events or activities, and more!
View the community your campus is partnering with and let us know you are interested in volunteering.