Stewarding Strength

Mar 27, 2025

Downtown Campus

6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Nicole Pollard

[email protected]

At the heart of being a woman created in God's image is using the strength God has given us to benefit others. We are excited to introduce a new study—Stewarding Strength, which invites us to examine our season, our individuality, and how we can leverage our unique abilities for God's glory and the growth of his Kingdom. As we revisit the framework and language of topics from Ezer studies on a deeper level, we will hear teaching from Grace members, gather in discussion groups, and do the hard soul work of learning how to live out our calling as women of God. We hope you will join us!

This study will last for 7 consecutive weeks ending on May 8. This study is offered for those who have previously completed Biblical Femininity and A Woman's Words.