Iglesia Gracia
Discovery is an orientation to our church that provides you with information about our mission, core values, ministry distinctives, and the benefits of a local church. It is also the starting point for you to connect at Grace Church to groups, volunteer ministry teams, and membership.Punto de Partida es una orientación a nuestra iglesia que proporciona información sobre nuestra misión, valores fundamentales, distintivos de ministerio, y los beneficios de una iglesia local. También es el …
Iglesia Gracia
Foundations is part of our membership process focusing on our church’s Core Values, six essential areas of Christian maturity and growth. This course is open to anyone at Grace Church who has attended Discovery. During Foundations, you will learn more about next steps towards church membership.Fundamentos es parte de nuestro proceso de membresía; se centra en los Valores Fundamentales de nuestra iglesia, seis áreas esenciales de la madurez cristiana y el crecimiento. Este curso está …
Iglesia Gracia
Shame is a universal issue we all experience. However, it often operates in our lives in ways that are completely unrecognizable. It is the undercurrent that lurks undetected in the dark corners of our lives and shapes our day-to-day choices, actions, and relationships. At its core, shame is an identity issue. It makes us believe the truest thing about us is our brokenness. You may feel the sting of shame from your own choices, or …