GR | Shared Space
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus repeatedly invites all who are willing to follow him, and that invitation extends to believers today. But who is Jesus, and why should we follow him exclusively? In "Behold and Believe," a seven-week women's study from The Gospel Coalition, we will consider those questions by exploring, interpreting, and applying Jesus' "I AM" statements in the Gospel of John. We hope you will join us as we seek to know and trust …
GR | Grace Alley
In this seven-week Bible study, we invite our women to examine the theme of joy in salvation throughout the Old Testament. With an emphasis on biblical theology, Remember Your Joy traces the promise of Genesis 3:15 through seven Old Testament stories. As we explore the characters of Noah, Abraham, Rahab, and more, we see glimpses of the gospel and how God faithfully fulfilled his promise as he prepared for us the ultimate offspring who brought …
GR | Worship Center
We all want to grow in our ability to practically live out a gospel-centered life. Compelling Women is an events-based discipleship opportunity for the women at our campus to gather, discuss, and practice various topics like prayer, Scripture memorization, relationships, and more. We hope you'll join us as we seek to become women who are more and more like Jesus!