AN | Tolly Room
BUT THEN I RECALL ALL YOU HAVE DONE, O LORD; I REMEMBER YOUR WONDERFUL DEEDS OF LONG AGO. THEY ARE CONSTANTLY IN MY THOUGHTS. I CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT YOUR MIGHTY WORKS. PSALM 77:11–12When we stop and look back on where we’ve been, we have the opportunity to reflect on moments that may have been difficult, that stretched us, strengthened us, as well as what has brought us joy. As we actively remember, we can …
AN | Off Site
God created every woman with a specific purpose—to be an ezer kenegdo. Scripture uses this word to describe a God who is our ally—a God who fights for us. We use the word Ezer to describe how we can uniquely reflect the image of God to others in a way that helps us be strong for others, rather than strong over, others. This is our common calling, but how we live it out will be …