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Trusting God in a Hostile World

Imagine being taken from your home, brought to a hostile land, and forced to serve a foreign government. As Daniel and his companions learn what it means to serve God in exile, they live faithfully with steadfast hope in God’s promises and protection. Powerful kings rise and fall, but God is at work—establishing a kingdom that will surpass and crush all other kingdoms. Like Daniel, we cannot always understand God’s plan, but we can rest in his active direction over all things large and small, looking forward with hope to Jesus’ eternal reign.

Daniel Lions Den



Fe en el exilio

octubre 16
Daniel 1:1-21

The book of Daniel begins with loss and loyalty. As Daniel and his companions navigate the challenges of living in exile, they remain faithful to God. While this story may seem distant from our current narrative, we also live in exile, and we must wrestle with the same realities—sometimes God allows suffering, yet he has equipped us with everything we need to live on mission for him.


Dios de sabiduria y revelacion

octubre 23
Daniel 2:1-23

When the wise men of Babylon cannot reveal Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, there are dire consequences for all. However, Daniel acts with wisdom and discretion. He is willing to make himself vulnerable, step into the gap, and allow God to work through him no matter the outcome.


Un reino que núnca terminará

octubre 30
Daniel 2:24-49


Exigencias idolátricas

noviembre 6
Daniel 3:1-30


Nabuconodosor humillado

noviembre 13
Daniel 4:1-37


Foso de los Leones

noviembre 27
Daniel 6:1-28


El ultimo reino

diciembre 1
Daniel 7:1-28


La visión del carnero y la cabra

diciembre 11
Daniel 8:1-27


La oración de confesión de Daniel

diciembre 18
Daniel 9:1-27


Encuentro con otro Reino

enero 1
Daniel 10:1-21


La promesa de los problemas

enero 8
Daniel 11:1-45


Esperanza en tiempos dificiles

enero 15

Plan de Lectura

These daily readings will help prepare you for the upcoming teaching you will hear this weekend at Grace Church. These passages will create some context for the sermon by showing you Scriptures the teacher might be quoting and some passages that contain related ideas. Our hope is that as you follow this reading plan, it will help you become more defined and directed by Scripture.

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Study Questions

  • WEEK 1: Fe en el exilio


  • WEEK 2: Dios de sabiduria y revelacion


  • WEEK 3: Un reino que núnca terminará

  • WEEK 4: Exigencias idolátricas

  • WEEK 5: Nabuconodosor humillado

  • WEEK 6: Foso de los Leones

  • WEEK 7: El ultimo reino

  • WEEK 8: La visión del carnero y la cabra

  • WEEK 9: La oración de confesión de Daniel

  • WEEK 10: Encuentro con otro Reino

  • WEEK 11: La promesa de los problemas

  • WEEK 12: Esperanza en tiempos dificiles

In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it.

Daniel 1:1

The Great Statue

In Daniel chapter 2, Nebuchadnezzar dreams of a statue of a man comprised of different materials. This man represents all earthly kingdoms and powers that will be ultimately overcome by Jesus’ eternal reign. In the dream, this statue is crushed by a stone cut from a mountain, not made by humans, which represents God’s eternal kingdom. 

“During the reigns of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed or conquered. It will crush all these kingdoms into nothingness, and it will stand forever.” - Daniel 2:44

Daniel Idol Statue


The golden head represents Babylonian rule, led by Nebuchadnezzar and then Belshazzar. 


Inferior to Nebuchadnezzar's reign, the Medo-Persian empire is depicted by the breast and arms of silver. Notable kings include Darius and Cyrus. 


Next, the belly and thighs of bronze symbolize Grecian rule and the reign of Alexander the Great. 


Made of iron, the legs represent a ruthlessly strong kingdom which crushes all its predecessors—Rome. 


Eventually, the Roman monarchy weakens and divides. Some branches remain strong while others are weak—this is depicted in the feet made of both iron and clay. 
