Enseñanza from 2022


24Seven | Daniel

Week 5

As we end our time in the book of Daniel, we look back over the life of Daniel and see how he had Courageous Faith, …

Brandon Vazquez

Brandon Vazquez

Greer Students Director


Week 3

The myth that our lives get easier once we’re saved doesn’t take into account that pursuing God means that we’re going to be going against …

Brandon Vazquez

Brandon Vazquez

Greer Students Director


Week 2

Following our hearts will leave us empty, Following Jesus is what leads to a rich and fulfilling life.

Hugo Muraco

Hugo Muraco

Taylors Discipleship & Groups & Students

Fear Series Graphic

Week 3

What would your life look like if you weren’t ruled by fear? It would be marked by power, love, and self-discipline.

Brandon Garcia Staff Photo

Brandon Garcia

Español Campus Pastor

Fear Series Graphic

Week 1

How does the fear of failure hinder you from living the life God desires and what lies does it fuel in you?

Holden Meyers

Holden Meyers

Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups

Biblical Femininity Session 5 Background


Understanding the uniqueness of each season of life impacts the ways in which we live out our calling. This video discusses the importance of navigating …

Biblical Femininity Session 6 Background


We cannot be strong for others until we are first secure in our identity in Christ. Our ability to reflect his image will be hindered …

James | 24Seven

Playing Favorites

God has uniquely created each and every one of us. We can often take those differences for granted and reject those who are different from …

Holden Meyers

Holden Meyers

Harrison Bridge Students Director; Harrison Bridge Discipleship & Groups

Judges | Forge

The Vicious Cycle

We all struggle with proud unbelief, thinking we know better than God. That pride fuels our sin, but humble faith and repentance break the cycles …

Davis Craig

Davis Craig

Pelham Students Director; Central Students Advisor; Central Internship & Residency
