Over 1500 Grace Members Participate in Just Serve

Over 1500 Grace Members Participate in Just Serve

Culturally Engaged

Just Serve Day is becoming a special focus in the spring for Grace Church, and it has grown exponentially over recent years. It’s a day we invest in coming alongside community partners, Grace ministries, and members within our church body to show them the love of Christ in tangible ways. Here are some fast facts about this year’s Just Serve Day:

Five weekends

Ten campuses

Serving over 60 organizations, Grace ministries, and Grace families

1500 members participating

One of our service sites was Neighborhood Focus in Berea, and Director Keith Groce shared this about their experience:

“This weekend we were blessed to have this awesome crew from Grace Church TR come in and tackle several projects at Neighborhood Focus. They did lots of outdoor maintenance, assembled our new soccer goals, fixed our (extra strength) water fountain, built raised beds . . . the list goes on and on! It was 42 degrees when they arrived, and everyone came in with such a joyful spirit.”

This is just a small glimpse of how Just Serve Day impacts our community, and we are so thankful for the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those around us. Will you join us in celebrating how God has worked through these connections and pray for continued outreach into our local communities? To learn more about Outreach at Grace, click below.

Just Serve Sorting Food
Just Serve Sorting Food
Just Serve Mulching
Just Serve
Just Serve Project Hope