Equipping Members to Move Towards Fostering, Adoption, and Guardian Ad Litem Advocacy

Foster And Adopt

Equipping Members to Move Towards Fostering, Adoption, and Guardian Ad Litem Advocacy

Culturally Engaged
Equipping Members to Move Towards Fostering, Adoption, and Guardian Ad Litem Advocacy

This past month, our Foster & Adopt ministry hosted an informational session where our church body could learn more about fostering, adoption, and advocating as a guardian ad litem. Many members in our church are living out the gospel through fostering and adoption, and we are excited to help others come alongside children in need of a loving and stable home. There is also a great need for guardians ad litem in the state of South Carolina. In Greenville County alone, there is a need for 350 guardians ad litem and only 150 are currently serving.

Grace member Paul Gaeto said this about his experience as a guardian ad litem:

“It’s the epitome of Christian service because you’re doing something for somebody who can never repay you—just as Jesus did something for us that we’ll never be able to repay.”

To hear Paul share more about what it looks like to be a guardian ad litem, click the video below.

During this meeting, Kaley Linquist of Fostering Great Ideas shared insight into what fostering looks like and the next steps members can take in order to get licensed. Participants also heard from Margaret Richardson, a Grace member who is available to assist through the adoption process through DSS. And Sylvia Walker, Greenville County Program Coordinator, shared stories about guardians ad litem and the valuable impact they can make. Click here to learn more about or volunteer as a guardian ad litem.

We were thrilled to have around 50 participants at this meeting and ask you to pray for them as they take their next steps toward vulnerable children. If you want to learn more about fostering, adoption, or advocating as a guardian ad litem, please email Beth Drake at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you and connect you with resources that can enable you to minister to children in need.