Chronic Illness Support

Encouragement in the Midst of Isolation

Last year, our Care & Recovery ministry launched a new support group for those dealing with chronic illness. The journey through chronic illness is often isolating, because most people who are sick soon recover and move on with their lives. Very few people truly understand what it’s like to face pain and physical limitations every day for an extended period of time. Yet we know Jesus had a special place in his heart for those suffering from ongoing illness (Matthew 5, Mark 2).

In this group, participants read and discussed a book together, learned about God’s character through Scripture, and simply supported and encouraged one another. It has been a blessing to see God use the group to bring hope through his Word and build a community of empathy and hope.

Here is what a few participants had to share with us:

Having any kind of chronic illness can be a very lonely road to travel because it is often one that we travel alone. This Chronic Illness Care and Support Group has changed my life! We all support each other, lift each other in prayer, and encourage one another. We have learned that God wants us to rest, be still, and be kind to ourselves and others. We've also learned about God's character, how to trust him and how we are never alone, even in the midst of our struggles and suffering. Our group is my safe place where I can discuss how I'm feeling and know I'm understood, even on my worst days. It has helped me to feel heard and seen, and it has strengthened my relationship with Jesus, our Lord, Savior and King. –Nancy Cosino, Harrison Bridge campus

The Chronic Illness group has genuinely been wonderful. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease when I was 6 years old, so it's been a part of my daily life for a while now. However, this is the first time I have been able to look at my illness through a biblical lens. The community and support from everyone in group has been tremendously helpful in pointing my recent struggles with my health back to God and away from discouragement. I would recommend this group to anyone looking for close community and a way to dive deeper into Scripture! –Abby Wilson, Pelham campus

Will you join us in thanking God for how he is working through this group and praying for continued growth? If you are interested in joining a future group, please reach out to Julia Eldred at [email protected].