A Story from Kenya


A Story from Kenya

Culturally Engaged

Last week, a team of members traveled to Kenya to come alongside our partners there and host a medical clinic. Our team helped provide health, dental, and vision care for communities with limited access to healthcare. Although many stories of God’s grace emerged on this trip, we wanted to share one special story from one of the team members.

Elizabeth Bullock is a member of our Greer campus, and while in Kenya, she asked about sponsoring a child through the OVC program. It so happened that a child was in need of sponsorship, and he was in the very village where our team was serving. Elizabeth shared this with us about getting to meet him:

I actually got to meet Joseph and his brother and grandmother on Thursday! Bernard said it’s never happened that a sponsor and child matched and met on the same Kenya trip. It was so amazing how the Lord worked out every detail. They found out he had a sponsor when we were introduced. It was an incredibly humbling moment for me!

Kenya OVC 2024

We are celebrating with Elizabeth and Joseph that God brought them together in this unique way, and we hope you will join us in praying for our partners in Kenya, including the children who are being supported through OVC. If you would like to learn more about the OVC program, click below.