We Choose

We Choose is our ministry plan—it provides a framework for our church to pursue spiritual health and advance God's Kingdom both within and outside of our local congregations. We believe our mission of making disciples is intertwined with serving our communities at home and the global church.

Student Retreat Work Crew
Courageously Generous

Work Crew—Grace Members Support Students Retreats

April 4, 2022

Over the past month, hundreds of Grace students have been at Carolina Point for retreats. Each weekend, a different age group has gotten to hear God’s Word, discuss the teaching in their small groups, experience camp life, and just have fun together.

Nicaragua Team Serves at Home
Ministry Focused

Ministry Continues Despite Disappointment

March 30, 2022

Earlier this month, our Nicaragua team faced disappointment as their trip was canceled at the last minute due to an airline cancellation. After finding no alternative flight plan, the team met to grieve, process, and pray together. God graciously reoriented both our partners in Nicaragua and our team here in Greenville, and they decided to move forward and serve “where they were.”

Night of Prayer Worship
Prayerfully Dependent

Night of Prayer | Teach Us to Pray

March 28, 2022

Twice a year, we come together for Night of Prayer—a special evening dedicated to acknowledging our dependence on God for all things. Over the past month, over 1,700 people across all of our campuses were able to participate in Night of Prayer.

Caregiver's Journey
Ministry Focused

Caregiver’s Journey Provides Community

March 22, 2022

Having a family member with special needs or mental health challenges can not only be difficult from day to day, it can also be incredibly isolating. Many members of our church family are walking this road—taking their loved one to countless appointments, tracking treatments, and working tirelessly to help them through unique challenges.

Children in Kenya
Culturally Engaged

OVC Kenya—Over 100 Advocates for Children

March 18, 2022

OVC Kenya is a partnership program that provides sustainable support and promotes long term relationships with orphans and vulnerable children in Kenya. Through our partnership with Bernard Kabaru and local churches in Limuru, Kenya, we are helping expand an existing program that provides physical, academic, and relational support to children in need within each church’s local community.

moms for moms participant family
Faithfully Gathered

Moms for Moms Fosters Community of Mentors

March 14, 2022

We believe that discipleship happens in the context of community. However, there are certain seasons of life when finding that community can be particularly challenging. If you are a mom with young children, you know who isolating that season can be, but that doesn't have to be the case.

Peterson Family
Faithfully Gathered

Get to Know Grace Staff: Christy Peterson, Students’ Project Coordinator

March 4, 2022

We have staff members in both campus staff and support staff roles all over the Upstate! We want you to get to know some of them as you stay updated with what’s happening at Grace Church.

Grace Housing Expands
Culturally Engaged

Grace Housing Ministry Expands

March 2, 2022

Over the past few years, Grace Church Housing has experienced rapid growth, and we are excited to see how God will continue to work through this discipleship effort. In late 2021, Grace had the opportunity to purchase an apartment complex from Greenville Tech. When this purchase is complete, we will be able to expand the scope of our housing ministry exponentially, serving hundreds of residents in a collaborative, supportive community. This means that we will be partnering with other non-profits like Mill Village and Jasmine Road, as well as Grace members looking for an intentional and missional living situation. Growing this community will also decrease the cost for each individual, thus strengthening their financial stability during this 2.5 - 3 year transitional period.

Men at Grace
Biblically Oriented

Men at Grace Podcast Tells Stories of Life Change

February 25, 2022

Men’s Roundtable is a ministry of Grace Church which lays a biblical groundwork for men of faith to take responsibility for and move towards those around them, all while depending on God. An exciting new facet of MRT that launched this past year is the Men at Grace podcast.