All Grace Church campuses will have normal service times this weekend, October 5–6. Please check your campus social media or email communication for additional details.

Redemption Secured

Ruth 4:1-12

Redemption Secured

Blake Payne

Blake Payne

Pelham Associate Campus Minister

In chapter 4, Boaz continues to show his noble character. Rather than scheming in private to secure his place as Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer, he addresses the matter in public and trusts God with the outcome. Through Boaz’s willing heart and shrewd actions, God redeems Ruth and gives her a new identity as one of his people.

Study Questions


  1. Boaz doesn’t scheme to get what he wants but does what is right by engaging Ruth’s relative in public. In what situations do you tend to manipulate to achieve your desire instead of releasing control and trusting God with the outcome?

  2. Boaz is both willing and able to selflessly act on Ruth’s behalf. Consider one or two of the opportunities God has given you to bless others. Prayerfully examine your levels of willingness and ability to engage these opportunities.

Key Points

  • Boaz goes to meet Ruth’s relative with no guarantee of the outcome. He risks losing what he wants in order to do what is right.

  • If we try to manipulate the small things, we will try to manipulate the big things.

  • Boaz doesn’t scheme, but he does act shrewdly. The work we do for God in this world requires us to act with wisdom.

  • The danger of an unwilling heart is that we miss the opportunity to join God in what he is doing in the world.

  • There may be times when we feel willing but unable, but God wants us to act in faith and say “yes” anyway.

  • God uses Ruth’s and Boaz’s extraordinary responses to do extraordinary things.

  • Boaz is willing to absorb all the risk and responsibility so that Ruth can be blessed. In Christ, God did the same for us to give us dignity, hope, security, and a new identity.

Other Scripture References

Deuteronomy 25:5–10

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