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“For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.”

Colossians 1:13–14

When God redeemed us, he granted us citizenship in his Kingdom. So here on earth, we are both exiles and ambassadors. As we explore what it looks like to live out this citizenship with hope and freedom, may we come with humble hearts and open hands.

Sunburst Teaching



September 22
1 Peter 2:4-17
In this series, we explore what Scripture says about being exiles and foreigners in a world that is not our permanent home. Even in the midst of suffering, division, and confusion in our earthly nation, we can find our peace, freedom, identity, and citizenship as the chosen people of God’s Kingdom.


October 13
Ephesians 2:13-22
Citizenship is an identity issue. If we primarily identify as citizens of our earthly nation, then we fall prey to fear and anger—our hopes rise and fall with this world’s future. But if we live as citizens and priests of God’s Kingdom, we can have joy and freedom as we engage the world in his name.

Political Action

October 20
Matthew 25:31–46
While our earthly nation is characterized by tribalism, polarization, and fear, we can hold out peace and freedom because our identity is rooted in the only lasting Kingdom. The politics of Jesus’ eternal Kingdom are demonstrated by how we treat one another, and it has power to infect the world around us with his glory.

Sermon Prep Plan

This plan of study focuses on preparing you for the upcoming teaching by providing relevant background passages, biblical context, and additional resources. You will receive an email with the weekly readings on Tuesdays. We hope this tool will help you grow in your understanding of Scripture.

reading plan on cell phone screenshot

Sunburst Study Questions



In this series, we explore what Scripture says about being exiles and foreigners in a world that is not our permanent home. Even in the midst of suffering, division, and confusion in our earthly nation, we can find our peace, freedom, identity, and citizenship as the chosen people of God’s Kingdom.




Citizenship is an identity issue. If we primarily identify as citizens of our earthly nation, then we fall prey to fear and anger—our hopes rise and fall with this world’s future. But if we live as citizens and priests of God’s Kingdom, we can have joy and freedom as we engage the world in his name.



Political Action

While our earthly nation is characterized by tribalism, polarization, and fear, we can hold out peace and freedom because our identity is rooted in the only lasting Kingdom. The politics of Jesus’ eternal Kingdom are demonstrated by how we treat one another, and it has power to infect the world around us with his glory.


Sunburst Resources

Daniel Series Graphic

Faith in Exile


Daniel Series Graphic

The Last Kingdom


Daniel Series Graphic

The Promise of Trouble


Exiles: The Church in the Shadow of Empire Book Cover

Exiles: Church in the Shadow of Empire


The Relationship of Church and State Article Screenshot

The Relationship of Church and State


en español