Living a Small Life | Week 4 | We Need to be Pouring Out

Living a Small Life | Week 4 | We Need to be Pouring Out


In the same way spiritual mentorship is crucial to our faith, it is also important that we get in the game. The church was not created for us to just receive from; we all have a responsibility to carry weight. As believers, we have a role to play in the Kingdom of God. Galatians 6:2–3 tells us that sharing in each other’s burdens is a part of our roles. If at any point we think that we are too important to help those in need, we are just fooling ourselves. We are never too important to love and care for others.

We have talked every week about how important it is to be humble. If we really believe that Jesus is who he says he is, then we must follow his example—become a servant, put ourselves last. Jesus says that his people will be known by the way we love one another. All that is left is for us to obey that command.

For some of us, this looks like going to serve in an area like Grace Church Kids. Whether you serve in Big Group, in a classroom, or help prepare snacks for all the rooms— showing up, being consistent and reliable, and participating in what God is doing through the local church is how you can be obedient. For some of us, that looks like serving in middle school ministry and being more responsible for the discipleship of younger students. Maybe you are an upperclassmen and there are some freshmen students you can pursue a relationship with, invite them to join in on all that Forge has to offer, and eventually leave Forge better than when you came in your freshman year.

The focus is not necessarily on where you serve—it is on obeying the commands we have been given as believers. Serving and loving one another is an act of obedience. Being a part of the local church is something God calls us to do, and you saying yes is just walking in obedience.

Obedience requires humility and sacrifice. You will likely have to give something up in order to serve others. You may get less sleep on Sunday mornings or get home late on Sunday nights, you may have to spend your hard-earned money on a meal for someone else, or you may be asked to give more time and energy away than you’re comfortable with. All of these things could and probably will happen when you start giving your life away to further God’s Kingdom.

Serving and participating looks different for everyone, so we encourage you to talk to a leader or staff member. Ask how they think you can start serving or in what ways you might need to be carrying more responsibility.

Read Philippians 2:1–18.

  • What would it look like to have an “attitude like Christ Jesus had”?
  • What sacrifices are hard for you to make when it comes to serving others?
  • Where do you need to take a step of obedience when it comes to serving?